Hate incidents and hate crime are never acceptable. If you have been subjected to any form of hate, it may be hard to know what to do or how to feel. That’s okay. What happened was not your fault, you are not alone, and what you do next is your choice.
Urgent support
Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger, or seriously injured, call 999.
Find a safe space. If an incident has just happened, try and find somewhere you feel safe. If you are at the University you can call University Security 24/7 on 0121 414 4444 or go to your nearest University building and ask someone to phone Security for you. You use the SafeZone app to get assistance on campus or report an incident. The app will directly connect you to the appropriate safety/security team or first responder for that area, who will provide the assistance you need.
University of Birmingham Support
Speak to a Responder. You can use the Report and Support tool to make a disclosure and speak to a trained Responder and explore your options, which could include; wellbeing and academic support, practical advice, formal reporting options and safety planning. If you have sought support from another member of staff at the University they can submit an online form on your behalf to request an appointment with a Responder. They will make sure they have your permission before they submit any personal information on your behalf.
Please be aware that submitting an online form through Report and Support is primarily about making a disclosure and accessing support. Making a disclosure will not automatically initiate University disciplinary procedures, this is a separate process.
The University has a range of wellbeing support. If you are not sure who to contact, you can speak to a Wellbeing Officer within your school or college or Guild Advice for further guidance and signposting.
UBHeard is a confidential listening and support service for all registered students (undergraduate and postgraduate) that gives you immediate emotional and mental health support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Call the service now on 0800 368 5819 (Freephone UK*) or 00353 1 518 0277 (International), or visit the UBHeard portal. Wellbeing Officers are available in each School and are able to provide practical and emotional support for you if you are experiencing personal problems, particularly when these might interfere with your academic work. They can also guide you through the extenuating circumstances process if your studies have or are being affected.The Community Safety Team can provide advice, practical help and information about personal safety. The team can also provide a safe space to have an informal chat about potentially reporting anything to the police and this can be arranged by emailing the team at communitysafetyteam@contacts.bham.ac.uk. The team consists of our Campus Police Officer, two Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) and the Safety Team. They can be found in the Community Safety Hub, North Lodge, at the top of the Green Heart, between 10:00 and 16:00 Mon-Fri. There are a number of private rooms within the Hub. Just ask a member of the team on arrival or alternatively you can email the team at the address above if you have any questions.
External Support
Remedi offers support to those based in the West Midlands who have been subjected to any form of Hate. They provide emotional support, practical support, as well as advocacy.
Stop Hate UK provides supportive information relating to Hate. They accept reports of Hate and can offer various support pathways. Stop Hate UK can only offer full support services to those based in certain locations across the UK
Equality Advisory and Support Service is an organisation that provides advice on discrimination, equality, and human rights issues.
Victim Support is an independent charity that help people affected by crime and traumatic events. They are not part of the police or any other criminal justice agency.
Specialist Support
We understand that sometimes people feel more comfortable accessing services which specialise in supporting those from particular communities, cultures, or require certain adjustments in order to support their own personal needs.
Reporting options
Reporting to the Police
If you feel it is not an emergency you can still report the incident to the police by calling 101 or by using the West Midlands Police Live Chat or find your local police force. An officer will take some details and should issue you with a crime reference number. There are specially trained staff and units within Police forces that can support you through the reporting process. True Vision is an online platform offering guidance on reporting hate crime and hate incidents to the police. Find out more about your options for reporting Hate Crime to the police
Formally Report to the University
If you do wish to make a formal complaint about another student for the purposes of initiating an internal disciplinary process, we would advise you to contact Student Conduct Complaints and Appeals to talk about the process involved. This will allow you to ask questions, make sure you are fully aware of what the process would involve before you submit a formal complaint. You can contact the Student Conduct Complaints and Appeals office by emailing conduct@contacts.bham.ac.uk
If you would like to make a complaint about the conduct of a University of Birmingham staff member you can find out more on in the Raising a Concern or Complaint section on our Intranet pages.
If you decide to report the matter to the police and the University, you can email Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (conduct@contacts.bham.ac.uk) with the following details:
• The Crime Reference Number(s)
• Details of the student you have reported to the Police (Name/Course)
• Details of when the alleged offence(s) occurred
• Details of where the alleged offence(s) occurred
• A brief indication of the offence(s) under investigation (e.g., harassment, assault).
If you do decide to report to the University and/or the Police, a Responder can provide support to you before, during and after any process.
Reporting to the Student Guild
The Guild of Students is a Hate Crime Reporting Centre. As a Third Party Reporting Centre, they can assist you in reporting the incident to the Police, including making an anonymous report.