External Support
Please don't feel limited by the external services listed below. If you feel that you cannot find an appropriate support service on our support pages then you can speak to a responder. Our team of trained responder can offer you tailored support which includes identifying appropriate avenues of support.
Hate and Discrimination Support
On Your Side is a UK-wide support and reporting service for anyone in the UK who identifies as East and Southeast Asian who has experienced racism or any forms of hate. They operate a 24/7 helpline and can provide tailored individual support through their team of caseworkers.
Community Security Trust (CST) is a charity that protects the Jewish community from antisemitism and related threats. They offer a space to report any forms of antisemitism and run a national support line that is in operation 24hours a day. In addition to this CST can provide psychological support tailored to the Jewish community's needs.
Sikh Helpline has developed itself to be a trusted point of contact for members of the community. They aim to assist by providing emotional support, guidance and advice on a one-to-one basis with various issues, including being subjected to any form of abuse.
Tell MAMA. Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA) is a secure and reliable service that allows people from across England to report any form of Anti-Muslim abuse. In addition to this they support those subjected to any form of anti-Muslim hate or Islamophobia. They offer emotional support, legal signposting, advocacy, and court attendance support.
Wellbeing Support
Muslim Women’s Network operate a national specialist faith and culturally sensitive helpline that is confidential and non-judgmental, which offers information, support, guidance and referrals for those who are suffering from or at risk of abuse or facing problems on a range of issues.
Jami is the specialist provider of mental health services in the Jewish community.
Muslim Community Helpline is a national organisation providing listening and emotional support service for members of the Muslim community in the UK.
Nour provide trauma-informed, culturally competent services to adult survivors of abuse. They work with survivors from minoritised communities, particularly from the Muslim community, however the services are open to any adult survivor of abuse. They can provide free counselling, legal advice, as well as emotional and practical support.
Sikh Your Mind aim to increase awareness of mental health within the Sikh community. They are a registered charity who provide resources on mental health, operate a telephone helpline, and give information on local support services.
The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network are the UK’s largest independent organisation to specialise in working psychologically, informed by an understanding of intersectionality, with people who identify as Black, African, South Asian and Caribbean. If you believe that any of these support services listed above should not be promoted or you have a suggestion for any additional support services, please do let us know by emailing the team at responder@contacts.bham.ac.uk