External Support
Please don't feel limited by the external services listed below. If you feel that you cannot find an appropriate support service on our support pages then you can speak to a responder. Our team of trained responder can offer you tailored support which includes identifying appropriate avenues of support.
Hate and Discrimination Support
Galop provide tailored support for LGBTQ+ people who have been subjected to abuse, violence, or any form of hate.
Birmingham LGBT offer a range of services focused on improving the health and wellbeing of individuals. They are also a Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centre offering a safe neutral location within the community where people can report hate crime or hate incidents without having to contact the Police directly.
Wellbeing Support
Pink Therapy has a directory listing qualified therapists throughout the UK who specialise in working with gender, sex and relationship diverse clients.
SwitchBoard LGBT+ provides a one-stop listening service for LGBT+ people on the phone, by email or instant messaging.
Gendered Intelligence are a registered charity that works to increase understandings of gender diversity and improve the lives of trans people. They run a range of support groups for young people aged 16-30.
Mind Out are a mental health service for LGBTQ+ people which provides advice, information, advocacy, peer support groups, mentoring and wellbeing events.
If you believe that any of these support services listed above should not be promoted or you have a suggestion for any additional support services, please do let us know by emailing the team at responder@contacts.bham.ac.uk