The University of Birmingham is committed to providing person-centred support for all students making a disclosure through our Report and Support tool. We can help support you, whatever you decide to do, and for as long as you need us. 

We believe that any form of sexual violence, domestic abuse, harassment, stalking, discrimination, bullying, assault or hate crime are never acceptable. Our campuses, accommodation and surrounding areas should be a safe space to work, study and socialise for every member of our UoB community.

Stalking can happen to anyone. A stalker can be a former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, an acquaintance, work colleague, or a stranger. It can be perpetrated by men or women. 

The widely used acronym FOUR can help identify the key behaviours associated with stalking.

F – Fixated
The perpetrator is preoccupied with the victim in their thoughts and actions

O – Obsessive
This may come across as a range of behaviours/time/effort/resources focussed on the victim

U – Unwanted 
The perpetrator is not concerned about the distress their behaviour is causing    

R – Repeated
The perpetrator seems unlikely to stop the behaviours/ has a strong sense of entitlement/determination 

Stalking can happen with or without a fear of violence. This means that if you are receiving persistent unwanted contact that is causing you distress but the person has never threatened you, this is still stalking and is not acceptable. 

Stalking can consist of any type of behaviour such as regularly sending flowers or gifts, making unwanted or malicious communication either online or in-person, damaging property and physical or sexual assault. If the behaviour is persistent and clearly unwanted, causing you fear, distress or anxiety then it is stalking and you should not have to live with it. 

Stalking often has a huge emotional impact on those it affects. It can lead to feelings of depression, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress disorder. It can be a psychological as well as a physical crime. You might feel worried that you did something to ‘encourage’ this behaviour, but being stalked is not your fault. No-one has the right to invade your privacy, restrict your freedom, or make you feel threatened.

If you are a student, find out what reporting and support options are available to you at the University of Birmingham.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened