We believe any form of hate is never okay and are committed to creating an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and is free from inequality. Our campuses, accommodation and surrounding areas should be a safe space to work, study and socialise in for every member of our UoB community. 

Hate incidents and hate crimes are acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are or who someone thinks they are. Anyone can be a victim of a hate if they or anyone else believes the behaviour is motivated by prejudice, hatred or intolerance of one or more of the following protected characteristics: 

Hate can be one-off events or form part of a series of repeated and targeted behaviour. The hostility may target individuals, groups, those associated with such groups, or properties e.g. homes, places of work or worship, and community venues.
It is important to note you can be a victim of hate even if you do not identify as a member of the group the hostility or prejudice is based upon.

What is a hate incident?

A Hate incident is any incident perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on any of the protected characteristics mentioned above. Not all hate incidents will amount to criminal offences, but it is equally important that these are recognised and reported. 

Examples of Hate Incidents: 
  • Verbal abuse e.g name-calling and offensive jokes
  • Bullying or intimidation
  • Abusive messages 
  • Online abuse on social media
  • Displaying or circulating discriminatory literature or posters 
  • Harm or damage to possessions or property

What is a hate crime?

Hate crimes are when hate incidents become criminal offences.  A criminal offence is an action that breaks the law.  Any criminal offence can be a hate crime if it was motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any of the protected characteristics mentioned above.

Examples of Hate Crime: 
  • Assaults
  • Threats of Violence
  • Criminal damage
  • Harassment
  • Murder
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Burglary

Additional Strands of Hate

There are two additional strands of Hate;
We recognise that hate based on gender or sub culture can be incredibly impactful. Therefore we offer support to any students who have been subjected to any strand of hate. However it is important to note these two strands of hate are not currently recognised by West Midlands Police. Therefore if reports of gender based hate or subculture are made to the police, although they would be taken seriously, they wouldn't be recorded as hate based offences. This means if they were deemed a crime they would not be classed as a hate crime. 


There are two ways you can tell us what happened