Andy Allford - Director of Sport

Hi, I’m Andy, Director of Sport for the University of Birmingham - welcome to our Report + Support page.

Here at UoB Sport & Fitness the wellbeing of our students, members and staff is a top priority and it is our goal to ensure all feel safe and comfortable whilst engaging in our activities and using our facilities.

We want everyone who engages with UoB Sport & Fitness to feel supported enough to reach out when needing help, and empowered to report any behaviour that is upsetting, offensive or dangerous and know that they will receive the highest level of support from us to resolve the issue. On these pages you will be able to access the reporting processes as well as support resources.

As we have thousands of students engaging with sport throughout all our wonderful offerings such as clubs and campus league, it is impossible for us to be aware of every individuals conduct at all times. This is where you come in; if you see behaviour that you know is against our conduct policy and report it you will be helping us to maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and safe.

Similarly, if you see someone struggling who may need support with their wellbeing please encourage them to reach out, or reach out on their behalf using the resources on these pages - we want to ensure all students know exactly where to access help if and when it is needed to ensure they get the correct support!

The Report + Support service at the University of Birmingham maintains the highest level of privacy and support. All information shared will be kept private and your permission asked before contacting others.

Many thanks for taking the time to explore our incredible support resources and we look forward to engaging with all your sporting needs this academic year!

Cat Hardiman - Sports Officer - Guild of Students

Hi everyone! I’m Cat, your Sports Officer and I represent your student voice at the university in all things sport.

First of all, I’m super excited that you’ve gotten involved in a sport club here at the University of Birmingham and can’t wait for you to get stuck into all we have to offer.

These pages are a place for you express any concerns or issues you’ve experienced within a sporting environment. It highlights avenues to the various support available to ensure you get the best help possible! If at any point you feel certain behaviours portrayed by others don’t match the expectation of individuals in sport then this service provides a safe and confidential place to voice your concerns.

From my perspective, it’s so important to report anything that has or could affect your wellbeing. University is an exciting time for many students, however being away from home can be daunting, but the university is here to support you and ensure you feel as comfortable and welcomed at UoB as possible! As someone who appreciates and has experienced how downhill all aspects of life can go when your mental or physical wellbeing is disturbed, reporting any concerns you have is such an important way to help you get the support you need to get you back to living your fullest sporting life here at uni. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened