Urgent Support

Are you in immediate danger? If you are in immediate danger, or seriously injured, call 999.

Find a safe space.  If an incident has just happened, try and find somewhere you feel safe. If you are at the University you can call University Security 24/7 on 0121 414 4444 or go to your nearest University building and ask someone to phone Security for you. You use the SafeZone app to get assistance on campus or report an incident. The app will directly connect you to the appropriate safety team or first responder for that area, who will provide the assistance you need. 

If you have been subjected to sexual violence and would like to speak to someone immediately we would encourage you to contact a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC). The closest SARC to the University is Horizon which is a dedicated service offering expert support and advice to anyone who has been subjected to rape or sexual assault. If it happened recently they may offer you a Forensic Medical Examination, which will be carried out by a trained doctor or nurse, to check you are okay and to collect forensic evidence such as DNA from the person who assaulted you. You can also speak to a Crisis Worker who will listen to what has happened to you and explain how they can help and what options are available to you. A Crisis Worker can make onward referrals to Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) and they can liaise with other agencies on your behalf, including the police, counselling and sexual health services. You can self-refer to Horizon by calling a 24/7 freephone number 0330 223 0099 . To find out more about the services SARC’s offer and how they can help, you can watch the NHS video, 'Turn to us, we are here' You can find your local SARC by visiting the NHS website.

Please note, following increases in reports of organisations selling in self-swabbing kits to students at universities in and around our region, please see here statements that have been published to support the importance of visiting a SARC rather than using self-swabbing kits. 

 Joint statement published by the FFLM: Microsoft Word - Joint Position statement on forensic self-swab services after sexual assault or rape with FAQ - 10-09-2024 v3

University of Birmingham support

We understand that it may be difficult to talk about what has happened but telling someone can really help. We are here to listen, give you the support you need and to help you make an informed decision about what to do next, you are not alone.

Speak to a Responder - You can use the Report + Support tool to make a disclosure and speak to a trained Responder and explore your options, which could include wellbeing and academic support, practical advice, formal reporting options and safety planning. If you have sought support from another member of staff at the University they can submit an online form on your behalf to request an appointment with a Responder. They will make sure they have your permission before they submit any personal information on your behalf. To find out more about what to expect in a Responder appointment please watch our short video.

Please be aware that submitting an online form through Report and Support is primarily about making a disclosure and accessing support. Making a disclosure will not automatically initiate University disciplinary procedures, this is a separate process.

The University has a range of wellbeing support. If you are not sure who to contact, you can speak to a Wellbeing Officer within your school or college or Guild Advice for further guidance and signposting.

UBHeard is a confidential listening and support service for all registered students (undergraduate and postgraduate) that gives you immediate emotional and mental health support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Call the service now on 0800 368 5819 (Freephone UK*) or 00353 1 518 0277 (International), or visit the UBHeard portal.

Wellbeing Officers are available in each School and are able to provide practical and emotional support for you if you are experiencing personal problems, particularly when these might interfere with your academic work. They can also guide you through the extenuating circumstances process if your studies have or are being affected.

The Community Safety Team can provide advice, practical help and information about personal safety. The team consists of our Campus Police Officer, two Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) and the Safety Team. They can be found in the Community Safety Hub, North Lodge, at the top of the Green Heart, between 10:00 and 16:00 Mon-Fri). There are a number of private rooms within the Hub. Just ask a member of the team on arrival or alternatively you can email the team at communitysafetyteam@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

External Support

National Domestic Violence helpline. Call 0808 2000 247 for confidential advice 24/7.

Victim Support help anyone who has been the victim of a crime. They can support you coping with the after-effects of crime and help with reporting to the police

Refuge provides practical and legal support for all forms of domestic abuse.

Women’s Aid is a national organisation providing support for women and children in domestic abuse situations. Further information on safety planning, as well as practical and emotional support is available through our local Birmingham and Solihull’s Women’s Aid or Black Country Women’s Aid, who have a confidential, 24 hour helpline available on 0121 552 6448.

Anawim - Birmingham's Centre for Women brings people together from a range of communities and backgrounds to help women understand the impact of their trauma, and to begin the healing process by overcoming difficulties and learning how to move forward to a brighter future for themselves and their families.

WAITS goal is to empower women, to give women a voice. WAITS supports any woman in need, however they have an added specialism in supporting women from Black, Chinese, South Asian and minority backgrounds.

New Heights - Domestic Abuse Counselling Service provides free, confidential counselling and support to women and men, over 16, living in North Birmingham who have experienced or been affected by domestic abuse at any time in their lives. Find out more about options available.

Mind - Guide to support options for abuse. This page list organisations and services who may be able to offer you support for abuse. Help is available whether you’re experiencing abuse now, or have done in the past.

Mankind. Their confidential helpline is available for all men across the UK subjected to domestic violence by their current or former wife or partner (including same-sex partner). Call 01823 334244 10am - 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Men’s Advice Line. Telephone support available on 0808 8010327, Mon–Fri 10am-8pm as well as webchat and email support services.

Cranstoun helpline is open Monday to Friday 9-5 on 0121 633 1750 or go to their website for more information on their domestic abuse services, locally and nationally.

Trident Reach helpline is open Monday to Friday 9-5 on 0800 111 4223 or go to their website for more information on their domestic abuse services, including housing and emergency refuge.

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse helpline run by Galop provides emotional and practical support for LGBT+ people experiencing domestic abuse. Call 0800 999 5428 10am – 5pm, Monday to Friday (open until 8pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays).

Birmingham LGBT Independent Domestic Violence Advocate (IDVA) service provides support to LGBT people in Birmingham and across the West Midlands who are experiencing abuse from partners, ex-partners and family members. They also support LGBT people who are experiencing, or are at risk of, honour- based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation.

Halo Project provides support for victim survivors and those at risk of forced marriage, honour-based abuse and female genital mutilation (FGM)

Roshni Birmingham provide a 24 hour multilingual helpline for victim survivors and those at risk of forced marriage and honour-based abuse. Call  0800 953 9777.

Karma Nirvana run the national Honour Based Abuse Helpline on 0800 5999 247 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm). If you are at risk, or if you are concerned for someone who is, they are here to listen and to help.

Freedom Charity are a UK-based charity formed to give support to victims of forced marriage and violence upon women thought to have brought dishonour on their family.

The Forced Marriage Unit can be contacted on 020 7008 0151. The FMU offers information and support to those who fear they will be forced into marriage and can talk with them about their options. It can also assist non-British nationals facing marriage abroad by referring them to local organisations that can help.

National Stalking Helpline, operated by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, the National Stalking Helpline gives practical information, support, and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims. 09:30 - 16:00, Monday to Friday, apart from Wednesday's (09:30 - 20:00)

Paladin Service  is trauma-informed service, to assist high risk victims of stalking in England and Wales. Their trained team of accredited Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers (ISACs) ensure that victims of stalking are supported and that a coordinated community response is developed locally to keep victims and their children safe.

Umbrella (Sexual health support) is an organisation which offers various services relating to sexual health, for example, self-sampling STI kits that can be ordered online. The national sexual health helpline number is 0800 567 123 and it is free to call. For more information please visit the NHS's 'Where can I get sexual health advice, now?' webpage. Umbrella also offer a Young People’s Counselling Service.  To self-refer call 0121 237 5700 or text 0734 173 9453 (Monday – Wednesday) 0796 845 9179 (Wednesday – Friday).

Rights of Women services aim to provide women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights. We also work to improve the law for women and increase women’s access to justice and safety following domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Help protect yourself, a friend or a family member with the Hollie Guard app. HollieGuard has a number of functions including, personal alarm, deterrent and record of evidence.

Bright Sky is a safe, easy-to-use app and website that provides practical support and information on domestic abuse. It is designed for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or anyone who is worried about a friend, family member, or colleague.

Further information on local services available to victims and survivors of domestic abuse can be found on the Birmingham City Council website, including guidance and signposting in relation to out of hours housing support and risk of homelessness.

Reporting Options

Reporting to the Police

If you feel it is not an emergency you can still report the incident to the police by calling 101, by using the West Midlands Police Live Chat or find your local police force. An officer will take some details and may issue you with a crime reference number. There are specially trained staff and units within Police forces that can support you through the reporting process. Find out more about your options for reporting domestic abuse to the police.

Making a formal complaint to the University 

Please be aware that submitting an online form through Report and Support is primarily about making a disclosure and accessing support. Making a disclosure will not automatically initiate University disciplinary procedures, this is a separate process.

If you do wish to make a formal report about another student for the purposes of initiating an internal disciplinary process, we would advise you to contact Student Conduct Complaints and Appeals to talk about the process involved. This will allow you to ask questions, make sure you are fully aware of what the process would involve before you submit a formal complaint. You can contact the Student Conduct Complaints and Appeals office by emailing conduct@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

If you would like to make a complaint about the conduct of a University of Birmingham staff member you can find out more on in the Raising a Concern or Complaint section on our Intranet pages. 

If you decide to report the matter to the police and the University, you may not be required to fill in the concern review form, as per the Conduct guidance above. Instead, you can email Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals at conduct@contacts.bham.ac.uk with the following details: 

• The Crime Reference Number(s)

 • Details of the student you have reported to the Police (Name/Course) 

• Details of when the alleged offence(s) occurred 

• Details of where the alleged offence(s) occurred 

• A brief indication of the offence(s) under investigation (e.g., harassment, assault).

There are two ways you can tell us what happened