Not On is a joint campaign, launched by the University of Birmingham and Guild of Students on 26 January 2015. Watch the Not On campaign video.

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness about sexual harassment issues and to enable students and staff to have the knowledge, ability and confidence to report and take action against all forms of sexual harassment.

Not On Ambassadors

Supported by Guild Advice, and part funded by the University, our Student Not On Ambassadors have created and deliver one hour consent workshops (in-person and on Zoom) to:
  • Look at what consent is and isn’t 
  • Discuss scenario situations in relation to consent, exploring what behaviours are unacceptable
  • Identify sexual harassment and the impact it has
  • Explore how to look after each other and promote bystander intervention
In addition, they deliver LGBTQ+ workshops to raise awareness of the issues faced in the LGBTQ+ community. This workshop can also be delivered as a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

The Not On Ambassadors also tailor content to suit those attending. So, if you have a specific topic in mind that you would like us to focus on during the workshop, all you have to do is let them know.

Whilst this is a serious topic, our workshops are a positive environment where learning is encouraged without judgement. Interested in attending a workshop or have further questions about Not On? You can contact the team by email at

The ambassadors also run a variety of awareness raising events throughout the academic year. Keep up-to-date by following them on Facebook.

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